Neighborhood Pet Care officially opened on Jan 16th, 2008, by Owner Casey John Fiske. NPC for short, was a side gig at the time as Casey worked as a Veterinary Technician. Over the next couple of years, he would work less as a Vet Tech and more building Neighborhood Pet Care until NPC became a full time operation.
Neighborhood Pet Care is known for their indoor and outdoor doggie daycare, that includes transportation along with basic Obedience & Behavioral Training and complete Socialization. In April of 2019, NPC moved 3 miles from its rental location in Rehoboth to new purchased land and newly built indoor/outdoor Doggie Daycare & Training Facility. NPC is probably best known for its “In our home as if they’re our own” Award Winning Boarding Service.

In 2018 NPC was featured in the popular magazine All the Best things in Mass and their even more popular website, bestthingma.com, known for their top 10 lists. That year, the top 10 best kennels in Mass was released and Neighborhood Pet Care was listed at number 4! And Kennel meaning any business licensed to have 3 or more dogs at once on the property of the business at any time. Not the cold, caged & isolated places you think of when you hear the word kennel.
In that definition of the word, we are an anti-kennel establishment. We also do 1 on 1 Advanced Obedience and Behavioral Training Programs for pups/young dogs. And finally, whether for vacations or on a reoccurring basis, we do home visits for dog, cats, even chickens that need feedings, walks, litter box cleanings etc.